In Memory

This page is dedicated to the Equines and People who have made a major impact on The H.O.R.S.E. Center. Because without their wisdom and teachings, we would not be where we are today!

Catherine Porter


Catherine, a co-founder of The H.O.R.S.E. Center, helped established the guidelines and the path H.O.R.S.E. is still on today. For those that knew her, Catherine proved that helmets at times were needed for non-riding activities as well. Catherine and her unborn son was tragically taken from us on June 30th 2012. She continues to guide us today.

Stephanie Lane


Stephanie, one of The H.O.R.S.E. Center’s original board members, inspired us to care for and help others. Her talent for a little craziness will be sorely missed!


Mustang (1973-2009)



Paso Fina (1985-2017)



Quarter Horse (1978-2008)




"My horse wants to know me and he loves me just like I am. He is stubborn like me, but he teaches me to be calm, not get mad and to be nice. Buddy taught me to keep trying and not give up on him or on people. Because of Buddy, I am able to love and be loved. I am now adopted and I have a mom and a place to call home. Thank you Buddy" - J'Von , Age 7


“I have been witness to these horses helping me deal with life’s problems."
- Volunteer


“LJ is on the autism spectrum. He was also born with Chromosome 4 and has now been diagnosed with ADHD. LJ has difficulties with self-regulation. He would have several meltdowns a week in school and home. Since he started Equine Therapy in November his issues with self-regulation have decreased greatly. Jodie has taught him Tai’Chi movements on the horses to help him self-regulate. LJ has learned how to use these methods at home , in the classroom and in dance. His teachers at school and his dance instructors have been amazed at how much his self-regulation has improved. Equine therapy has been a lifesaver!” – Parent


“Ella has moderate sensory issues and was born with FAS. Ella was having trouble with potty training and sensory issues. Within two months of starting Equine therapy she was completely potty trained. Her teachers have noted that she is more calm and self-requlated. Equine therapy has helped with her self-confidence. She loves it!” - Parent